Red Currant Syrup

When I bought these beautiful red currants from a local farmer she kindly asked me what I planned to do with them. She informed me that they were rather tart to be eaten out of hand, and I assured her that I planned to make syrup.
Raw currants can add a pop of complex acidity to the right dish and are nothing to be afraid of, but I had my heart set on enjoying their red fruit and wine flavor in ice creams and Italian sodas in the heat of summer.
Here is how I made my syrup:
Rinse the fresh currants, feeling free to leave them on the vine.
Add currants to a saucepan with:
2 cups white sugar
2 cups water
Bring to a boil, then turn down the heat and allow to simmer for five minutes. Cover the saucepan and let the mixture cool slowly, then strain through a fine mesh sieve and chill thoroughly in the refrigerator in an uncovered jar.
For ice cream, add a cup of syrup to chilled vanilla ice cream base before freezing. For Italian soda, top a few tablespoons of syrup with soda water and a splash of cream. Share these magical handmade creations with guests for a sophisticated seasonal treat, and enjoy!